1st race of the MAXX Formula on Saturday 29.08.2020 !
With 18 degrees and a very cloudy sky the danger of rain was very high, but luckily it remained dry.
At 17:40 o’clock it was time for the MAXX Formula cars to start.
In der Einführungsrunde sorgte Wolfgang Jaksch / Deutschland mit seinem Super Aguri F1 für große Aufregung bei der Streckensicherung, denn an seinem Fahrzeug war Rauchbildung zu sehen. Nach Angaben von Wolfgang Jaksch / Deutschland roch es auch sehr verbrannt, worauf das Fahrzeug von der Streckensicherung in die Box zum FXtreme Team gebracht wurde. Somit war das leider der Ausfall für das herannahende Rennen.
Anton Werner / Deutschland startete wegen technischen Problemen beim Vorstart aus der Box. Um 17:45 Uhr startete dann die MAXX Formula zu ihrem 1. Rennen an diesem Wochenende auf der schnellen Rennstrecke Most in Tschechien.

In the introductory lap Wolfgang Jaksch / Germany with his Super Aguri F1 caused a lot of excitement at the track safety, because there was smoke on his car.
According to Wolfgang Jaksch / Germany it also smelled very burnt, whereupon the vehicle was brought from the track safety device to the pit to the FXtreme Team.
So this was unfortunately the cancellation for the approaching race.
Anton Werner / Germany started out of the pit because of technical problems during the pre-start.
At 17:45 o’clock the MAXX Formula started for their 1st race this weekend on the fast race track Most in the Czech Republic.
In the 1st round after the start Christopher Brenier / France in his Superleague Formula Panoz DP09B took the lead. Round after round the duo Bernd Herndlhofer with his Arrows A22 F1 and the Italian Alessandro Bracalente in his Dallara GP2 fought their way up to Christopher Brenier / France.
Bernd Herndlhofer / Austria then passed Christopher Brenier in lap 6 and did not give up the lead until the finish.
A very intensive fight for 2nd place developed between Christopher Brenier / France and the Italian Alessandro Bracalente, which lasted until 5 minutes before the end of the race.
Alessandro Bracalente approached Christopher Brenier before the end of the race, but could not overtake him.
5 minutes before the regular end of the race, a race cancellation caused an early end.
Veronika Jaksch / CZE in her Dallara GP2 was in 8th place for a long time and improved to 6th place by the end of the race.
Kurt Böhler / Switzerland maintained the 4th place in his GP2 of the Speedcenter team for a long time, with 7 minutes left to go it happened. Kurt Böhlen and Peter Göllner / Switzerland collided with each other. This was not to the joy of the team boss of Speedcenter.
The Masters class was also hotly contested, in which Michael Grosse-Aschhoff / Germany was able to assert himself. Followed by Karl-Heiz Becker / Germany on the 2nd position.
Felix Grosse-Aschhoff / Germany drove his Reynard 95 D F3000 to the 3rd position.
The official and exclusive pre-season test of the Landsail MAXX Formula racing series will take place this year at Slovakiaring/SVK on March 20-21. Registrations (also from external interested drivers and teams owning a formula car registered for one of the […]